8THIRTYPOUR: Our Go-To Summer Bevvies

Summer Bevvies text over image of a team cheers

It’s officially summer, and that means porch sitting, beach lounging and ice-cold beverages. We wouldn’t be your favorite agency if we didn’t provide you with a bunch of recipes to try out over the 4th of July weekend.

We’re mixing it up, from homemade jalapeno tequila to our favorite canned cocktails, and we’re even telling you what to wear as you drink it.

Breakfast But Make It Boozy

When it’s hot, you want fresh, tart and strong. Here’s the recipe: get a 6-pack of San Pellegrino Blood Orange and mix it with a crap ton of gin. We don’t even care what kind of gin you put in it, just make sure it’s a good amount. 

Location: Beach, rooftop or patio

Can It

No one wants to try that hard to achieve a weekend buzz. Instead, pick up Truly Fruit Punch or their Iced Teas (warning: these are very dangerous). If it’s hot out and the drink is cold, this is the beverage for you.

Location: Golf course or poolside watching the kids

Spice It Up

If you like a bite to your cocktails, then by all means, mix this one up. Jen makes up her own jalapeno tequila but refuses to give us the recipe, so this is the next best thing (a Google search).

Fill a small cocktail shaker with ice. Add tequila, lime juice, orange juice, agave and jalapeno slices. Tightly close and shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Don’t ask us for the measurements. You’re an adult…figure it out.

Location: Your couch

I Hate Summer

If you are not a fan of hot weather and sunshine, which may hark back to your high-school band days (we’re not getting into it), then mix up this refreshing drink and sit in front of your air conditioner.

Enter the best gin and tonic you’ll ever have: Knickerbocker American gin and elderflower tonic. It’s peppery and sweet, just like a good summer day ought to be…unless you hate summer.

Location: Alaska

We want to see your beverage pics! Share the love by using the hashtag #8THIRTYPOUR or reach out and let us know what drink we’re missing.

Oh, also, have a safe 4th, and maybe don’t lose any appendages.

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