Happy Places

Cabin in the woods surrounded by snow and pine trees

Life is kicking up several paces again, which means our stress is also increasing. We are big on mental health at 8THIRTYFOUR, and that means taking care of YOU. It’s hard to escape the pull of technology and responsibilities, but it’s also non-negotiable. So if you need someone to tell you to put the phone and the to-do list away, give us a call, and we’ll slap it out of your hand.

In the meantime, find some inspiration in our happy places. 

Cabin Life

You’ve probably seen the photos on the good ‘ol Insta with the hashtag #cabinlife. About an hour or so up north is Kim’s happiest place. The dogs run free, marshmallows are roasted in the outdoor fireplace, and a little red, gray and blue cabin sits nestled on 20 acres in the woods. 

The absolute peace and quiet make up for the ticks, mice and the militia down the road. It is where Kim goes to recenter herself and cruise around Rose Lake on the pontoon, with Joey safely encased in a life jacket (there is a story here).

Sometimes your happy place is a place. Sometimes it’s a person or activity. Whatever it is, seek it out and put you first.


We know, we know—If you know someone who has a Peloton, they rarely forget to sneak it into a conversation. But it truly is an escape and a “quick-ish” way to break up your day. You can love the things you hate, okay. 

Meg never thought that she would be the person toting health and fitness as her escape. But as a first-time mom with a loud baby (who even knows what they’re doing with those things), she’s finding some solace while being yelled at by coaches on a screen. It helps that we have a few team members who ride together—for fun, of course!

It’s an important reminder to do something for yourself every single day, even if it’s just for 15-20 minutes. So put the phone down—the emails will be there when you get back, and you won’t miss out on the latest TikTok dance that you will never do, I promise.

The Garden

So this immediately sounds pretentious or like some sort of ‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’ bullshit, but hear us out. When Ro somehow landing up with a house on a half an acre, they decided it was time to graduate from all their indoor hanging baskets to a few outdoor plants.

Four raised beds, three flower beds, five berry bushes, and a grape vine later, and you could say they got a little carried away. Still, all those plants aren’t gonna grow themselves, and that means Ro gets to spend a lot of time outside (this is a momentous occasion for them, that whole going outside thing). 

So, when the going gets tough, this is your reminder to step outside and take a deep breath. The best part about growing plants is you can see them start from something absolutely tiny and end up on your dinner table…now that’s a pretty cool journey, isn’t it? We think so…also, this is Rowan’s subtle way of warning the team that they’re all about to get piles of summer squash dropped off on their doorsteps. Oh well!

Morning Walk

Although there are definitely days when it’s a struggle, Skye walks their dog Hero (seriously the best dog name) every morning and evening, without fail. Hero insists upon it, and as a 10-year old rescue pup with absolutely heart-melting eyes, she deserves it. Hell, every dog deserves everything, always. Period.

If you’re a dog or cat owner, you know that your furry friend is the one who sets the alarm clock, not you. If the alarm doesn’t get Skye up swiftly enough for Hero’s liking, she’ll hop on the edge of the bed or tap-dance across the wood floor for a proper wake-up. Even though morning usually arrives too soon, there’s something incredibly chill and therapeutic about a short stroll before the sun’s fully up. Of course, avoiding the sun is a crucial factor for Skye, as the resident goth. 

The route is predictable, the sights all the same for the most part, but it’s a nice way to level-set the morning before any insanity can set in. The streets are shaded, and there aren’t many people out besides the other neighborhood dogs, making it the perfect time to breathe before the day begins. And, couldn’t we all use a little more breathing room nowadays?

A Little Clementine

The Clementine we’re talking about here isn’t of the fruit variety, but is Emma’s one-year-old Shih Tzu. Being a pandemic puppy, Clem is attached to Emma right at the hip and can’t stand to do anything other than love her (and beg for treats 24/7). 

Any place is happy with Clementine around. At home, on a road trip, or even a FaceTime call, Emma’s day can be turned around with one look at her dog’s smooshy face. She is the definition of unconditional love and proof that humans don’t deserve the forever companionship of a furry friend. 

So while Clementine the Shih Tzu isn’t a place, she sure does bring happiness and light to Emma’s world—regardless of where she is. 

The Car

Jules chooses the most simple option for her happy place, the car. Whether it be long drives to nowhere, the beach, seeing family, or an old friend, to simply jamming out to her newly perfected playlist, the car is a safe space for Jules. It’s where she gathers her thoughts, mentally prepares and creates a route to what’s up next. 

From duking out fights alone (similar to what some people do in the shower) and making sure her talking points are in line, to having a good healthy cry, Jules’ little Buick Encore has seen it all. Her friends tend to call out that “Jules always offers to drive,” and it’s because she loves being the one who directs the path forward. 

Priding herself on her sense of direction translates to other parts of her life as well, like work, friendships, and more. The car gets her there, and it is her happy place! 

We want to hear about your happy places. Is it a person, place, or thing? Is it 8THIRTYFOUR? I mean, we are pretty great and all. Reach out to us for your dose of happy. We got you.

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