The Boozy, Schmoozy, Snoozy Holiday Gift Guide

An image of silver wrapped presents against a blue background.

What would Christmas be without 8THIRTYFOUR’s holiday gift ideas? We happen to think our gift-giving is pretty damn awesome. Our Secret Snowflake is the stuff of legends.
We’ve broken down our gift guide into the boozy, schmoozy and snoozy.


You can never go wrong with the gift of booze. Follow our brilliant ideas below to put a fun twist on a traditional holiday gift.

  • Shaken, not stirred. Give the gift of Bond–James Bond–with a Dirty Martini gift basket. Nothing is more badass than 007. Pick up the official cocktail book by Ian Fleming, Shaken, and pair with a martini shaker, martini glasses, Tito’s vodka (it’s for the dogs), vermouth and blue-cheese stuffed olives.
  • Oh Shit Kit. If you’re going to hang with Britain’s most famous spy, you better be prepared for the repercussions. That’s why our next gift, the Oh Shit Kit, is a necessity. Find a cleverly worded bag and stock it with all the essentials to beat the hangover. Head to your local pharmacy for a Tide stick, water, ibuprofen, Emergen-C, chapstick, eye drops and any other recovery items.

An image of a white bag that says "oh shit kit" in black cursive.

  • Savor & Sweet. Libations come in all forms. One of our favorites is food. Heading to a holiday party? Give the gift of creamy, boozy goodness. Yes, there is a bit of prep time included, but stir up a martini and get to baking. Our personal favorite is the Spiked Mocha Mousse Bar. Combining Baileys with chocolate is just fricken genius.


Living in Michigan makes us cozy snoozy experts. It also means we’re cold all the time. Warm up with these gift ideas.

  • Cozy Kit. Keep your family and friends warm with the gift of warmth. Pack a cute basket with a fuzzy blanket, Kim’s mom’s chex mix (we can’t even describe to you the crack level of this treat), a branded 8THIRTYFOUR mug, hot cocoa mix, a candle and your favorite Christmas movie. It’s the ultimate cozy night in.
  • Chocolatey Cookie Combo. Nothing says cozy like a significant weight gain over the holidays. Just quit fighting it and roll with it (get it). Our favorite sweet treats come from Monica’s Gourmet Cookies. We have been buying from Monica for over 15 years, back before 8THIRTYFOUR was even a twinkle in Kim’s eye. The best part is they are adorably packaged and can be shipped anywhere. So get to ordering.
  • Furry Power. Being an agency run by dogs means we spoil our furry friends all year round, but that’s especially true during the holidays. The best and only choice for your furkids this year is Beer City Dog Biscuits. This small, GR-based business has one hell of story and cause. Do us a favor: check them out. Your dogs will thank you.


The holidays are all about schmoozing it up, which means your gifts better stand up to the scrutiny. Don’t show up to one of the gazillion holiday parties empty handed. Who are you, the Grinch?

  • 12 Nights of Christmas. Our friends at Cooper’s Hawk have done it again with this brilliant gift idea. There is nothing, we mean nothing, better than a wine advent calendar. Why didn’t we think of this? Pick one up at the Kentwood location or order online…Oh wait. You can’t ship alcohol to Michigan…Guess you better just stop in.
  • Party Hardy. Yeah, the name is lame but the idea isn’t! What’s better than a party in a box? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The contents can vary, based on the party theme, but the essentials are the same.
    • Game. This could be pin the tail on the donkey, scrabble, charades…you name it.
    • Signature cocktail. Whether you run with the Bond idea or another equally tasty drink, make sure to include the recipe and all necessary ingredients.
    • Snacky snacks. Pack the party box with Kim’s Mom’s chex mix, Monica’s Gourmet Cookies and whip up a batch of the Spiked Mocha Mousse Bars.
    • Decorations. It isn’t a party if there aren’t balloons and a balloon arch. Be sure to also include party favors. We suggest a kazoo and napkins, plates and glasses.
    • Soundtrack. Gotta have a playlist. No one wants to listen to Karen drone on and on.

There is something for everyone in our Boozy, Schoomzy, Cozy holiday guide. Looking for custom ideas for your company? Give us a call or email. We’re full of great ideas.

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One Response

  1. Very well done, Kim!I would love your Mom”s recipe for Chef Mix, though.

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