The Robots are Coming

Have you heard of marketing automation? Surely you have you heard of HubSpot? Salesforce? Both are examples of marketing automation, expensive options, but options nonetheless.
Marketing automation refers to software platforms that help businesses automate their marketing and sales engagement processes to generate more leads, convert more leads to sales, and optimize ROI. Marketing automation allows companies to automate repetitive tasks such as sending emails, maintaining social media, tracking website interactions, and managing various other tasks.
In the digital age, many time-intensive tasks can be automated to save you time and to increase effectiveness.
Our digital director, Chris Singel, discusses in our latest Grand Rapids Business Journal Article why it just makes sense for companies to pursue marketing automation and wouldn’t you know…we can help you with it and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. In short, let the robots take over.
Read the post here.

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