Top 5 Winter Things

Feet in slippers propped up on an ottoman in front of a fireplace

‘Tis the season for some of 8THIRTYFOUR’s favorite things. Whether it be food, drinks or activities, we’ve rounded out our top five trending topics in our office for you this wintertime. Sit back with some hot cocoa and Baileys (#3) and read on to see what makes our team members jolly this season.


Whether you’d like to admit it or not, everyone has a soft spot for those low-budget cheesy holiday movies with recycled storylines that will inevitably have you crying tears of happiness when Jason gives up his acting career after falling in love with his old next door neighbor while he was home for the holidays…or something along those lines.


We love taking a weekend in the winter to go to one of the many nearby ski resorts in Michigan. There’s nothing quite like the adrenaline you get from snowboarding down a hill. There’s also nothing quite like rewarding yourself with a beer with close friends after a fun day on the slopes. 


One of our staple wintertime drinks is hot cocoa mixed with Baileys. It’s warm, creamy, chocolate-y, and has just the right amount of sweetness. Cue remote-controlled fireplace and cozy blanket, please. 


Obviously, we are putting an emphasis on the homemade part. The winter season is not complete without a batch of this yummy, sugary snack in the 8THIRTYFOUR office. We’re even eating it as we type this blog.


What is a winter without buffalo plaid? Our founder, Kim Bode, rounds out our top five favorite things with her personal favorite for the season. You can find her sporting this print, as well as our office décor, from November through January.
What’s on your Top 5 Favorite Winter Things list? If it includes working with 8THIRTYFOUR for your marketing needs, give us a call!

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