Positive Ways to Break Up Your Day

Someone in jeans and sneakers running down a paved and wooded trail.

We’re done with the first week of May, which means you’ve now been working from home for, like, two whole months or a year…yeah, it’s been a year. Sometimes you’re on a roll at work, and other times, you feel like you’re hitting a wall in your productivity. We’ve got the tips you need to make sure you can crush your goals, all from the comfort of your own couch.

Start the Day Off Right

The first thing you do in the morning is check your phone. And from then on, you’re looking at nothing but screens for the rest of the day. Our eyes hurt just thinking about it. One of the best ways to create a positive day starts with what you do when you first wake up. Instead of reaching for your phone to check the news and your emails, create a new routine that doesn’t involve staring at a screen. Take some time for yourself; make a cup of coffee or tea, read a chapter of your current book, cook a good breakfast, or do some yoga. Trust us, this makes all the difference and you’ll see just how quickly your mood will change with a new routine.

Take Breaks

Okay, so you’ve probably heard this one a million times, but seriously, take some breaks. Working from home is completely different than working at the office. Your home is your work and your work is your home. It’s nearly impossible to separate the two now, which is why it’s so important to take several small breaks throughout the day.
It helps if you do something different for each of your breaks. Sitting or walking outside for just 15 minutes without a phone helps to clear your mind and will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your next project. You should also make sure to step away from your computer a few times for a change of scenery (or another trip to the fridge. Who’s to say?).

After Work

We’re not sure what day it is anymore, but you’ve made it through another one! Once you’re done working for the day, immediately step away from your laptop and resist the urge to return to it later to check your emails or get ahead for the next day. It’s hard to draw a line for work life balance when you work from home, but if you can dedicate a space solely for working, this separation can help.

So can limiting your screen time after work hours. Going outside, working out (if you’re into that type of thing) or reading is a great way to get your mind off of work projects. Plus, it’ll help you wind down for the evening.We’re counting down the days until we can get back to the office and see our coworkers again, but until then, we hope these tips help make working from home a little easier. If you like these ideas, don’t miss our advice on how to treat yourself at home or simple ways to enjoy the outdoors.

Oh, and of course, if you’re looking for some human interaction, we’re always available for a Zoom meeting or call. Just get in touch.

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