Case Study: LeanSteel

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Believe it or not, we do a lot more than social media, PR, and websites. We excel at crafting kickass videos, too. We recently collaborated with Ruby+Associates to give their latest venture, LeanSteel, an extraordinary brand transformation. We’re talking about a revamped logo, a stunning website, and, of course, an incredibly cool video. Spoiler: We nailed it. 

Ready, Set, Record

When we first met with Ruby+Associates, we were astounded by the intricacy of their steel process. And it’s not just us, even the experts find it complex. But hey, we thrive on a good challenge. 

Our goal was to showcase the essence of LeanSteel and its operations in under 2 minutes. On-site filming wasn’t feasible, so we decided to go with animation instead and make it even better. Our script emphasized the difference between traditional, convoluted steel manufacturing and how Leansteel revolutionizes the industry by eliminating intermediaries and expediting steel delivery to companies. 

The Ultimate Guide

Once we got the foundation down, the fun began, and the pieces came together. There were a lot of different parts to gather for the video.

  • Look: We aimed for a clean and engaging design that aligns with the new brand we created. We opted for a timeline infographic featuring simple shapes. Icons were strategically used to represent the various components involved in steel production.
  • Animation: To maintain viewer engagement, it was important to incorporate plenty of movement. We achieved this by animating the text and transitioning the screen to reveal new information. When presenting the timeline infographic, we aimed to illustrate each step in the previous and updated processes. This can be effectively accomplished by smoothly shifting the screen from left to right.
  • Voiceover: The voiceover established the tone of the video. It’s not just about having anyone read and record their voice; there’s much more to it. We offered the client a selection of voice-over actors for them to listen to and compare so they could find the perfect voice that felt just right for their message.
  • Music: Music fills in all the subtle gaps in the video, standing out while seamlessly blending into the background. LeanSteel was determined to find the perfect balance between a non-corporate vibe and an upbeat tone, carefully selecting the right music to elevate the video’s impact.

After a few revisions, we completed LeanSteel’s video. They’re a great client and were very happy to have a compelling visual to showcase to clients and on their website. Take a look at the video below. Now you know who to call for your next video project (It’s us, you should call us). 

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