The What & Why of Infographics

Graph with charts

We’re pretty sure a person’s attention span nowadays is .00001 second, which means no one is reading all of those words you’re writing. In fact, are you still here?

Before you dive into the exciting world of infographics, let us explain the types. They rose in popularity around 2012, but not a lot of thought was put into the why and how of uses. Mostly people were like “cool, pretty pictures and icons!”

We also understand the irony of writing about infographics without the use of said infographics. 2022 is a vibe.


What it is:’s what it sounds like…a list. It is full of copy, but also has visual elements. I mean it’s kind of self-explanatory.

Why use it: According to Wix, contextualizing information with visuals makes it easier to read and makes the statistics more memorable. It also breaks up all that boring text, something we will not be doing in this blog.


What it is: It makes us think of math, think pie charts, bar graphs and lots of data.

Why use it: If you have a data-rich blog post that might otherwise be dry or difficult for readers to digest (nope – not this blog, this one is real good). It takes really boring data and makes it hopefully less boring. Good luck with this infographic.


What it is: If you need to illustrate how to do something, this is the infographic for you. We created one years back when we needed to show Grand Rapids how to safely light a Chinese lantern and not set themselves on fire in the process. It was very effective.

Why use it: Explaining a complex process is much easier when illustrated. If we need to change the oil in our car, we need the steps and to know what the dippy thing that goes into the engine looks like (stop cringing, we’re simply making a point).

These are the most well-known but there is also timeline, map, flowchart, comparison and more. You can read more here

If you want us to create some amazing ones, get a hold of us. Otherwise, we’re gonna go design some for this blog and update when no one is looking.

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