Must-Subscribe PR Newsletters

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As a PR professional, your days are filled with research, media lists, interview coordination, segment rundowns, media kits, pitches, press releases, follow-up, emails, client calls and more. What we often put last is ongoing education and learning. It needs to be a top priority, and these kickass PR newsletters are a great place to start.

Muck Rack

This should not be a surprise to anyone who follows us or Bode834 on social media. We are diehard Muck Rack fans. Here is what you can expect from their newsletter:

  • Journalism job changes: A daily digest of journalism job changes to help you make sense of the movers, the shakers and the next place to catch your friends’ and colleagues’ bylines.
  • Eavesdrop on journalists: Journalists send hundreds of thousands of tweets a day. Muck Rack finds the tweets they send and the stories they share, then quote the best ones.
  • News trends: Some pretty nutty things trend on Twitter, so they focus on topics trending among just journalists (though they can be a little nutty, too).

Spin Sucks

We are BIG fans of Gini Dietrich. BIG fans. No matter how you like to take in new information, she has it covered. We love her weekly podcast, which is between 6 to 10 minutes and is perfect for keeping a PR pro’s attention. 

The newsletter covers trends, tips, tricks, insights and more. We put into practice what we learn from the Spin Sucks community on a regular basis.

Social Media Examiner

Don’t even say it…this is an incredibly relevant newsletter for PR professionals. Social media is a major tactic for media outreach and reporters pull stories from TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and more. One of the recent newsletters touched on turning Twitter followers into newsletter subscribers, as well as utilizing TikTok as a part of your content strategy.

PR Daily

PR Daily covers all things media, PR, marketing, social media, etc. The newsletter is a great cross-section of all of these topics and drops once a day in your inbox. The emails cover trends and insights and, most importantly, PR news like what is happening in the agency world, with other professionals and more. 

These are just a few of the ones we read on a daily basis. Check out other recommendations by Muck Rack.

You also need to be subscribed to all your local, statewide and client industry publications. We get everything from Supply Chain Dive to National Sprinkler News. It’s how we stay on top of what is happening in our clients’ markets.

Need someone to tackle PR for you? You’re in the right place. Drop us a line, and we’ll chat about all things PR.

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