It’s that time of year where we think about the things we are grateful for as we navigate corn mazes while picking apples and gorging ourselves on turkey and the fixings.
2020 has been a real bitch. There’s no sense in mincing words. However, there is always something to be thankful for. Think real hard. We’ll start.
Who knew a pandemic would bring us closer together? We took a lot of things for granted before we were sequestered in our homes. Whether it’s friends, family or co-workers, quarantine makes the togetherness that much sweeter…including the hugs (insert Kim cringe).
Our priorities have been reset due to the weirdness of 2020, but that isn’t a bad thing. Overcommitment is no longer a way of life. We get to be choosy with who we spend our time with, and you realize just how important some of those peeps are.
Since we’re talking about people, how about a shout-out to the essential workers, science-y professionals, and perhaps most importantly, the Shipt shoppers? If you’re reading this, Paul, thank you.
We’d also be remiss if we didn’t recognize our roommates, co-workers, spouses and kids. They’re all pretty great.
For real, though, work for a place with a great culture with really cool people. It makes shit way more tolerable, and you don’t feel alone.
Listen, they’re our constant in times like these. Thank God they don’t judge us for our current work uniforms—sweatpants, overly dry-shampooed hair, slippers and a stained t-shirt.
We’re really killing the runway looks this year.
Thanks for cuddling with us, guys, no matter the time or state of our appearance.
Cycling, yoga, walks and more have kept us centered. Some of us are jumping on the health bandwagon after putting on the COVID 19, but hey, at least we got there.
We’re not just talking about physical health. Our mental health has become a focus for all of us. Our anxiety is off the charts, which is why we’re hella thankful for meditating, reading, reflecting, recentering and unwinding.
We’ve learned so much about what we need for our own mental health, as well as how to best support others in theirs. 2020 has reduced the stigma around mental health, and for that, we are extremely thankful.
P.S. See a therapist, ask for Linda.
When you can’t escape your living space, you start to really take note of the blessings around you. Our houses have really become homes in 2020. Some of us moved into new places, got roommates, adopted a cat or a dog, redesigned a room or updated a cabin.
We realized it’s worth spending the time to make your place cozier while also creating a place dedicated to work time.
2020 has also given some of us introverts an excuse to also never leave our homes. So cool.
Where the hell would we be without FaceTime, social media, texting and more? Have we ever been more tied to technology?
“Work from home” is the catchphrase of 2020, but for realz, we’d be screwed without chat, AirPods, Facebook (who would we share our election woes with?), and yes, even Zoom.
Here’s the deal…
Slow down, and pay attention to the things that are most important: friendships, family, and taking care of yourself mentally and physically.
This year has thrown curveball after curveball, but it made us reflect and find the things that are most important. So, in a weird way, thanks, 2020.