Clients We Love: Great Lakes Health Connect

A green rectangle reads, "Client love" and features the logo for Great Lakes Health Connect

Great Lakes Health Connect is the leading health information exchange provider in the state of Michigan; the successful organization connected with us to assist in updating their logo and branding last year.
GLHC has an amazing team that is committed to constant innovation. As the company has grown, its services have expanded into fields not traditionally identified as “health care” – the organization’s comprehensive approach to supporting better health outcomes for individuals and communities has led to this new direction.
When we work on a branding project, we dig in to find the attributes that set an organization apart from their competitors and explore how the brand wants to be perceived by their target audiences.
Sounds simple, right?
In practice, great branding is a mix of art and science. Our design choices are led by research and data, ultimately executed to create a memorable and effective brand. We spend time identifying how timeless or trendy the brand needs to be, deciding what colors best evoke the desired emotional response, and testing different applications to make sure what we create actually functions when used.
For GLHC, it was essential that the new logo better define the key human element that supports everything they do. Their previous logo was technical in nature, so this was an evolution for them. With that in mind, we thoughtfully kept the same color palette, but to really create a new, fresh, look, we also selected a bright and inviting secondary palette to use in support of the new logo. A great brand guide means future designs will be consistent.
Working closely with the team at GLHC, we presented 5 initial options, guiding feedback to shape two final choices. Further refinement created the final, and new logo GLHC uses today!
We love helping companies that are doing great work capture their visual brand in a way that supports their overall goals. If you are ready for a brand re-fresh, let’s connect!

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