3 Takeaways from the Google I/O

A blue background with white font reading, "Special edition blog: 3 Takeaways from the Google I/O Conference"

Google had their annual conference this past week, and they made some big announcements that will affect businesses in the coming years. Here are the three big takeaways that you should be aware of.

Google wants you to stop using technology

Well not altogether. They announced a series of tools that aim to limit technology usage to a more acceptable level. They still want people to use their apps and see their ads, but the frequency may be limited.
We don’t know what extent this will impact business, but if it takes hold and works the way they hope it does, it could limit the reach of AdWords campaigns and other digital communication.

Mobile is Still Thriving

Almost everything that was announced this week had a mobile-first approach to it. Google sees the trend in mobile users and is changing the way it evolves accordingly. Google even announced a beta version of the new mobile OS Android P much sooner than anyone expected.
The takeaway from this? If the biggest online business is investing more in mobile users, you should too.

The Internet is Learning

Google wants to push UX beyond what anyone can accomplish, so their solution is to have computers push the limits even further. AI was a big feature of conference. Google is using AI to track user action, and code websites around that data. Soon, website optimization may not be a human task.
Google is pushing the limits of what is capable online, and this will inevitably affect how all businesses are run. If you need help decoding what any of this might mean for you, just ask us.

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