Ringing in the New Year with Shelley

I can’t think of a better way to end the last day in 2010 than another segment of “Your Biz, Your Town’ with Shelley Irwin on her Morning Show. Today we talked real estate, blind dinner dates, ADDY Awards and free lunch and learns.

This morning’s guests were Jennifer Feuerstein of Care Resources, Inc., Kristen Myers-Chatman of AAF West Michigan, Clay Powell of Rental Property Owners Association of Kent County and Mark Oberlin of the Grand Rapids Lion’s Club.

Each guest chatted with Shelley and I about their respective events, see below for links.

1. Care Resources, Inc. – Lunch & Learn, 1st Thursday of each month

2. Rental Property Owners Association of Kent County, RPOA Annual Conference & Expo, January 28 and 29

3. AAF West Michigan, Addy Awards, February 24

4. Grand Rapids Lion’s Club,Blind Dinner Date, March 8

Other upcoming events:

1. Alliance for Health & Grand Valley State University present West Michigan Health Care Forecast on January 6

2. The American Marketing Association, Marketing Higher Education, January 11

3. Startup Weekend West Michigan, January 14-16
Make sure to check out these great organizations and events….and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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