Why Print Design Is Still Relevant

Teal, purple, and white designs with text, "Why Print Design Is Still Relevant."

Being an integrated communications agency means we focus on not only inbound but also outbound marketing, and print is an important part of that.

Outbound marketing includes activities such as trade shows, seminar series, and cold calling. It is costly, and the ROI is much lower than inbound marketing. However, tying both together can be incredibly effective for companies.

In case you hadn’t heard, we are hosting a party on November 3rd, which we have shared via email, blogs, social media and…wait for it…a mailed invite, which was tied back to our landing page—www.8thirtyfour.com/neighbor. Direct mail, which is print (in case you are slow on the uptake), can be really effective if tied back to inbound marketing. 

According to MarketingProfs, 92% of 18-to 23-year-olds find it easier to read print over digital content, and the response rate for direct-mail marketing is 37% higher than the email rate. Print design is everywhere you look. It’s the bag you get at Banana Republic, the receipt from your purchase and all the damn junk mail that fills your mailbox. 

Companies need to take advantage of the opportunities print offers. Your online presence needs to be translated into tangible items, such as business cards, during point-of-sale, sales proposals, signage…the list goes on. Now, don’t get us wrong, there has to be a call-to-action, and it sure as hell needs to be tied back to your online/digital activities. You gotta track it people, how many times we gotta tell you that?

Here are just a few benefits:

  • It’s tangible. Sometimes you just want to hold onto something and touch it (sounds dirty). Who doesn’t have pizza coupons on the fridge? How about the booklet of coupons Meijer sends you based on your buying history through Shipt—brilliant, by the way. 
  • It can have a high ROI. Combining print marketing with digital promotions drives higher response rates and conversions than using digital-only communications. 
  • It’s memorable. If you’ve hired a kickass creative firm like 8THIRTYFOUR, you have invested in eye-catching and unique design. Our party on November 3rd is a Mister Rogers’ theme, and the theme is being translated into cardigans, photo backdrops, name tags, signs and more. 

The digital world is crowded; utilizing print can help your company stand out. It has to be strategic, and we can help. Get a hold of us, and also come to our party on November 3rd and check out how we’ve integrated print design into our kickass party.

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