The Generational Divide

8THIRTYFOUR Blog: a young woman on her phone and a older frustrated man

Ever feel like you’re speaking a different language than your parents or those Gen Z whippersnappers? Welcome to the club. Generational gaps aren’t new, but damn if they don’t feel wider than ever.

Why? Two words: Tech explosion. Millennials and Gen Z grew up riding history’s biggest tech and communication waves. No wonder we’re all a bit lost in translation.

So, what’s a marketer to do? Ignoring generations we’re not part of is a one-way ticket to Brokeville. But we also can’t fake it – people smell bullshit from a mile away. Let’s dig into how to bridge this gap without losing our minds (or authenticity).

Mix It Up, People

If your social media sounds like it’s written by a middle-aged dad trying to be hip, it probably is. Want to know why you’re only attracting avocado toast enthusiasts? You probably only asked them for input.

Here’s a wild idea: different life experiences = different perspectives. Shocking, right? Having a diverse team isn’t just a PR move – it’s how you create multi-dimensional strategies.

So walk the walk. Hire people who don’t look, think, or act just like you. Yeah, it might be comfier to work with your generational clones, but comfort doesn’t drive innovation.

Check Your Ego at the Door

Got a multi-gen team? Awesome. Now, are you actually listening to each other? It’s easy to dismiss the “inexperienced” youngsters or roll our eyes at the “out-of-touch” veterans. News flash: that’s a recipe for mediocrity.

Here’s a radical concept: everyone’s perspective has value. Your 23-year-old social media guru might have insights your CMO doesn’t. And that 60-year-old account manager? They’ve seen some shit..

So shut up and listen. You might actually learn something, no matter which side of the generational divide you’re on.

New Isn't Always Better (But Sometimes It Is)

Balancing tried-and-true methods with shiny new tactics is Marketing 101. That’s why we’re always strategizing, executing, and analyzing. Rinse, repeat, improve.

But watch out for the “we’ve always done it this way” trap. Data is your friend. Critical thinking is your BFF. Question everything, even (especially) the stuff that’s “working.”

Groupthink is the enemy of progress. So speak up, ask questions, and be ready to get a little uncomfortable. That’s where the magic happens.

Why You Should Give a Damn

As marketers, our job is to speak to everyone, not just our generational buddies. Plus, it’s just good business. Market expansion, brand loyalty, innovation – it all comes from breaking out of our generational bubbles.

Marketing across generations isn’t just smart strategy – it’s how you build real connections and lasting success. So let’s stop whining about generational divides and start bridging them. Your brand (and your bottom line) will thank you.

Now go forth and market like a multi-generational badass.

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