Meet Kayden, 834's Newest Team Member!

Kaydin Grinwis smiles for 8THIRTYFOUR in Grand Rapids.

Kayden Grinwis is the newest member of #Team834, and he will be leading our web division. His background covers all things digital – PPC advertising, SEO, website strategy, UX, email marketing, social media, and CRM integration (he once built a completely custom, automated sales workflow and reporting system for a multi-national sales team).
Stop by the office and say “hi” to our latest addition, but for now, continue reading to learn more about our newest team member:

How does it feel being the only dude in a sea of high-strung women?

Oh boy. I’m going to need some coffee for this. It’s sometimes overwhelming, but also fun. The volume and conversations about tampons and shoes is something I’ll have to get used to. There are plenty of times that I need to remove myself from conversations, which is totally fine seeing how I have nothing to contribute.

You’ve been with 834 for almost two weeks. How has your time been so far?

It has been great! It’s been fun. I’ve felt very welcomed. This all sounds cliche, but it’s true.

What makes 834 different from other places that you’ve worked at?

The team feels more like a family. I feel like I have more ownership over my growth, like I have “skin in the game,” almost. It’s a good feeling to. It’s definitely a feeling of empowerment, and getting shit done. The processes here are very efficient.

You’re extremely popular, and clearly a social butterfly. What organizations are you involved with?

• VP of Communications – American Marketing Association, West Michigan
• Marketing Chair – Grand Rapids Pride Center, Board of Directors
• Marketing Chair – Grand Rapids Pride Festival
• VP of Communications – GVSU LGBT Alumni Chapter
I’m also a frequent blogger. Follow along with my blog, This Is Trans.

Do you have any recommendations for any guys who step foot into our office?

Bring wine; The girls will swoon. Maybe enter the office after you’ve had a few drinks, yourself. Brace yourself for loud spurts of laughter or trying to communicate with each other through walls.

What’s your favorite place to eat in Grand Rapids?

Right now, it’s Butchers Union. Their cheeseburger will change your life.

What’s worse: J-orts (jean shorts), or man-dals (man sandals)?

J-orts, for sure. Disclaimer: I have never owned a pair of j-orts.

Alcoholic beverage of choice?

Shorts Bellaire Brown

Seeing how you’re a web junkie…

iPhone or Galaxy? Neither. Google Pixel for sure.
Mac or PC? Mac, all the way.
Safari or Chrome? Chrome
Favorite website platform? ExpressionEngine
Pandora or Spotify? Spotify. I am a very loyal Spotify-er.
Spark a convo and connect with Kayden on social media. We swear, he’s not shy.
Twitter: @KaydenGrinwis
Instagram: @kayden.allday

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