Simply, Thank You

Wow. Thank you.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love and support we felt firsthand at our 834 Summer S’moirée. You came, you partied, you drank sangria.
In the past year, 834 has grown more than we could ever have anticipated and it is because of all of YOU. The Grand Rapids business community embraced us and provided the foundation to flourish over the past nine years, growing from a one-person firm to an eight-person team — approximately 300 percent in the last two years alone (someone else did the math). We have great clients, an amazing team and lots of fun. It’s truly unbelievable.
We are humbled beyond words for the love we felt as you toasted s’mores and enjoyed fare in our new(ish) space.
Our door is always open to you — our friends, our partners and our family. Thank you for accepting our quirkiness, brashness and slightly-off sense of humor.
Simply, thank you.

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