Gaining Traction with EOS®

A person runs on a treadmill. Text reads, "Gaining Traction with EOS."

EOS®, how we love thee. We love it so much, we’re writing about it for the zillionth time. We even chatted with superstar EOS® implementer, Amy Courter, on our latest Happy Hour Hustle podcast.

The EOS® Journey

When we started our journey with EOS®, we self-implemented and it was, to say the least, painful. As a business owner, you kind of think you can do everything…like implement a system you’ve never used better than the experts. FALSE (imagine one of those annoying buzzer sounds when you read that). 

If you find any of the below statements true, you need to reach out to our most favoritest person in the world. Yes, favoritest is a word (we googled it to make sure).

  1. You’re a business owner or leader who wants to get more from your organization.
  2. Your business issues consume all your time and energy, and you feel you can’t afford the time to enjoy your life.
  3. Your team isn’t rowing in the same direction—maybe some of the oars aren’t even in the water!
  4. You are your team’s capacity—you aren’t building capacity in them.
  5. Efficiency is not at the level you want or need it to be.

Benefits of EOS®

When you’re doing EOS® right, the following is true:

  • Everyone in your organization knows where you’re going and the plan to get there.
  • Your people embody your core values and have the skills to fulfill their roles.
  • The whole organization makes decisions based on objective information—and unifies around those decisions.
  • Issues arise in time to solve them—you’re beating your competitors in new ideas, products, services, and quality.
  • Consistent outcomes happen 80% of the time.
  • Your organization is crushing the day-to-day work, and key priorities are accomplished routinely.

Just to be clear, 8THIRTYFOUR has a long way to go to accomplish all of the above, but we’re getting there. It takes time, which a lot of business owners feel strapped for and use as an excuse to not make needed changes. If we can be so blunt, that is just plain stupid. 

EOS® is about accountability, hard conversations, a clear vision and ensuring you have the right people in your organization. If implemented well, it’s life-changing for your company, you and your employees.

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