Blogging: It is NOT Just a Marketing Trend

We talk a lot about blogging here at 834, and there are many benefits of blogging. We create content for many of our clients, and ourselves, from newsletters, press releases, story development and social media. Still, there is significantly more value in your blog posts and they have a longer lifetime than you’d ever imagine. In fact, one recent study found that blogs obtain 99% of its impressions after two years. Two Years!
This should be reason enough to blog. The impact that blogs deliver and continue to deliver via website traffic and valuable information to site visitors is huge. If you’re still not a believer, here are are a few more reasons.

Top 10 Reasons  You Should Be Blogging

  1. Keep your website fresh. Give your visitors and the search engines (SEO) a reason to return. You can call this blogging, content marketing, inbound marketing… whatever you want. Your blog articles are ways to add fresh, relevant content to your website. You should plan for your blog’s success!
  2. Establish your company’s expertise. This is especially true for B2B marketing. Most companies want to be known as a leader and expert in their industry. This is how you can insightful information, application information, case studies and good reasons they should work with you.
  3. FAQs, Answer customer questions. You probably get the same questions, or similar ones, from customers and prospects all the time. If they are asking you, or your sales team, it’s likely they are also using the search engines. Blog content is be great information and answers to FAQs, without be FAQs. Then, share the link, reference it in conversations, and your target audiences will probably find it in search, on your website.
  4. Generate leads. (see items 1-3 above) When you write about your services, products and the industry, you’re writing content that is relevant to target audiences.
  5. Proof for prospects. These relevant, helpful articles become great points of reference when your team is on a sales call or talking with customers. It’s written proof.
  6. Close the sale. See points 2-5… Good relevant content will generate leads via search, answer questions of potential customers, serve as proof and thus can help you close the sale.
  7. Drive social media content. Blogs on your website are yours, on your property. This is an owned communication channel, where readers can learn more about you. Use blog articles to create  2-3 Facebook posts, several Tweets, a start a discussion in LinkedIn, a Pin on Pinterest and so much more.
  8. Social PR (Connect with influencers.) Look for and follow other like minded people in social media channels. These are influencers. Connect with those who talk and share information about similar topics, journalists from industry, trade or local publications. They can help you build your digital footprint too.
  9. Build your digital footprint. Seeing how all of this is connected, all via blogging? Digital footprints, social PR, and even brands are built by creating new content, sharing it, connecting via social media and driving people back to your website.
  10. Because your competitors are doing it. Don’t do this just because they are, do it because you want to be better, different and yourself. Call it authenticicity or transparent, but when your company blogs, your company wins. Think about who is doing it well. What would you do differently that is more your style? Digital marketing has helped level the playing field for many marketers. And consistency, creativity will help you generate more business.

What are your reasons for blogging and sharing content?

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