If you are reading this blog near other people without a mask, stop what you are doing and put on the damn mask. We can wait. Okay. Now that that’s taken care of, we can introduce today’s blog topic. It’s masks, but most importantly, the campaigns behind them. Over the past few months, there have been a lot of pro-mask campaigns out there, many of which have come from states who are trying to encourage their constituents to use them to slow down the spread of the virus. Like all campaigns, there have been a few that have been extremely successful, and a few which have flopped. Like MAJORLY. For this blog, we are only focusing on our favorites.
Wear the Damn Mask
It wouldn’t be true 8THIRTYFOUR fashion if we didn’t toot our own horn just a little bit. We’re kicking off with our very own, “wear the damn mask” campaign because it’s funny, informative, and badass, just like us. Want some downloadables to share with your friends? We thought you’d never ask. Masks are becoming quite fashionable. Before you know it, they will be re-writing Annie’s “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile” to include a mask.
We truly believe all campaigns that support wearing a mask are important. Wearing a mask is proven to help slow the spread. We encourage you to jump on the mask-wearing train, umm, like yesterday. The more you share the message, the better the chances are of the message resonating and a change to occur. Moral here? Share our images on your social media. You can thank us later.
Mask Up Michigan
On game day in the state of Michigan, you either scream, “Go Green” or “Go Blue.” Why? Because bragging rights and a Paul Bunyan trophy. Need we say more? While it might be pointless to some, there are a few of us out there who live for the competition (a few members of our staff included). So, where were we going with this? Well, the two Big 10 rivals, the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, have teamed up with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to create a pro-mask video to promote the #MaskUpMichigan campaign.
Coaches of your favorite sports teams have an effect on the public decision-making process, just like other celebs do. Think of them as influencers. When Tom Izzo tells you the ball is in your court, you listen.
You see them wearing a mask and you think, “Hey, maybe I should do that,” and boom, another person is wearing a mask and the campaign is successful. This thought process is why influencers are such an important part of marketing. The bonus of this campaign is that it showcases “enemies” working together to encourage people to do their part. If these two teams agreed to work together, it must be important to follow in their footsteps.
Wear the damn mask. Thanks.
Wear a Mask, New York
We’re taking a hop skip and a jump over to the east coast, to the widely successful Wear a Mask, New York Ad contest. Amidst the pandemic, the state of New York launched a contest asking residents to submit a video that would help to communicate the importance of wearing a mask in stopping the spread of COVID-19. The campaign brought in over 600 video submissions. New York residents were able to cast their votes and narrow it down to five finalists. Nearly 186,000 votes later, the winning PSA, We ❤ NY from Bunny Lake Films was crowned the winner.
Overall, this is amazing. For one, getting your community involved in the messaging of your state is just flat out great. Not only does it showcase your state’s talent, but it brings in a sense of community during a time when it’s needed most (yeah, isolation is really really lonely). Just look at the number of submissions and votes cast. There was a ton of participation, which means a ton of educated citizens. This campaign is full of wins and good marketing tactics. There are plenty of famous people and campaigns out there sharing the need for masks, so we suggest you listen. If the CDC hasn’t been enough to convince you, maybe something else will do the trick. We can’t force you to wear a mask, but we’re going to keep trying to convince you.
We’re constantly looking out for other campaigns that are working and doing a good job at spreading the message. If you want to stay up to date, follow us on social media or get in touch. We’re always sharing amazing content. You won’t regret it.