Newest Facebook Algorithm Encourages Interaction

Facebook is returning to its roots. And while this might mean a breath of fresh air for users, it will present challenges for businesses and brands.
Mark Zuckerberg announced yesterday that Facebook’s newsfeed will change (again) and begin encouraging “meaningful interactions” that encourage users to “build meaningful relationships.” The Facebook algorithm that powers your newsfeed will now favor posts that spark interaction and engagement rather than the most popular posts.
Admit it, every time the Facebook algorithm changes, you complain about it. Most recently, Facebook received complaints that content from businesses, brands, and media were crowding out the stuff people really wanted to see; personal moments from family and friends (baby pics, dog pics, engagements, more engagements…). And, since Facebook was built to help people stay connected, Zuckerberg took this feedback to heart. But, we’re guessing, the change probably isn’t 100% sentimental and also a response to the events surrounding Donald Trump’s election, Russian ads, and all that fake news.
So, what does this change mean for businesses?

It’s Not a Popularity Contest

It’s not just all about those “likes.” It’s no longer about how popular your post is. The newest algorithm will focus on a post’s ability to spark conversation and interaction, not how many people liked it. This means that content that begs for likes or shares by telling you to “love for yes” or “like for no” will be discouraged and, in fact, will be penalized. And who are we are kidding? Nobody wants to see those posts anyway.   
According to Quartz, “Facebook says it will actively demote popular clickbait headlines and false news, and give precedence to posts from close friends.
Does this mean that, if you’re a business or brand, no one will see your content? Not necessarily.

Encourage Engagement

Users will still be able to choose the “see first” option to up the visibility of their favorite pages (you should probably go do this on the 8THIRTYFOUR Facebook Page) and posts that generate genuine engagement will be favored. Zuckerberg is preaching “meaningful engagement” so make sure your posts reflect that.

This means:

  • Your content should be genuine
  • Your brand should be genuine
  • Your content should promote conversation
  • Your content should encourage interaction and engagement
  • You should know your audience

Since the algorithm is brand new, it’s hard to tell what brands and businesses will be able to do to save their Facebook presence but don’t worry, we’re on it. As we learn more, we will keep you updated. In the meantime, think about the tone and content of your posts. Are they offering value and truly engaging content? This will be the key to being seen in the new Facebook world.
If you’re concerned, reach out and let us know. We love talking about this stuff and strategizing about solutions!

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