You know the adage “cobbler’s children never have shoes”?
It’s a phrase that resonates around here. We LOVE our clients, and we LOVE what our clients do. Bringing a new client into the family means that whatever their world is, we are going to embrace it, learn it, and stay on the cutting edge of it.
But, much like a cobbler doesn’t always take time to make sure his kids’ feet are appropriately attired, our enthusiasm for our clients’ brands sometimes makes us forget about a very key brand: ours.
It’s 8THIRTYFOUR’s 10th year. In our first decade, we’ve seen a lot of change in our field. As a nimble, creative, and integrated firm, we’ve worked tirelessly to not just reach the bar, but actually be the ones to set it.
We’ve also gone through a few iterations of our logo.
In celebration of a kick-ass first 10 years, our team has invested in an extensive strategic planning process, much like we would do for our own clients. We’ve evaluated our voice, tone, key attributes, brand promise, and more, all leading us to a brand update and new logo.
Scheduling time with our team to talk about our business was a challenge, but such a worthy project to tackle. We’ve taken turns facilitating conversations and work sessions, leveraging the amazing talent of our team.
Our new look evokes so much of what we are all about: clear, beautiful, and strategic communications.
You can find our new logo and new look rolling out across all our social channels, at the top of this post, and on our website right now. Soon, it will be everywhere, so watch out. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Up next is a refresh of our website – it’s a good thing our web division is so talented – stay tuned for a new look there, too!
Thank you for being you and cheers to the next ten years!

What We’re Reading
Ah, spare time – that mythical concept we’ve heard so much about! When we’re not busy living our best-overwhelmed lives, we love nothing more than